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1. Taken a Challenging Course Load
2. Been part of an intercollegiate dance team
3. Joined an environmental organization as VP
4. Did a service project in India for two weeks

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1. The challenging academic course load has led me to grow academically and overcome hardship that I had never been through before. In that way, it was valuable to my life and shaped my freshman experience.
2. Being a part of the team allowed me to continue my interest of dance in college. It also gave me a community that built me up and supported me throughout a tough year.
3. In college, I have realized my passion for environmental causes. I have adopted a vegan diet, as an environmentalist and animal lover. I have taken environmental classes and I have done my best in my personal life to support the cause that I love. Being a part of this environmental organization helps me continue to do just that. 
4. Volunteering in a different part of the world and seeing how people live their life was eye-opening for me. It made me reevaluate my life and understand how much privilege I have. It has reaffirmed service as a principle of mine, and thus, it was life-changing.

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Freshman Year Evaluation: About


After Freshman Year . . . .

I have figured out how to use the resources around me to my benefit. I have realized that using SI and study groups are small but integral elements of handling a difficult course load. I learned that keeping extracurriculars like dance and being a part of organizations is what keeps me sane, and what gives my life more richness. I have learned that many important life experiences just continue to shape my convictions to be the best doctor there is, and that I have to go out and seek opportunities that are gonna give me more of those moments and that will further my skills. All in all, I have become more motivated to continue to conquer.

Freshman Year Evaluation: About
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